Monday, July 6, 2009

Our Kids Growing Up!! Mixed Emotions as a Dad!!

The pictures in this post show our son, Caleb, who is 9. He is taking his "first try" at using the push mower to cut the grass. He did a great job for the first time he has helped with the mower work. His big brother, Josh, is now able to do it consistently at age 11.

The picture of him reminds me of the "mixed emotions" I so often feel as a Dad. There are so many times when we want them to grow up and mature and be responsible. But then as we see them take steps in that direction, we realize how short the time is we have left with them and want to keep them "young" for a while longer!

It also reminds me of the "greatest need" I have as a parent: to be personally connected with the Lord so He can direct Shawn and I as we parent our precious three. As the Word of God says, "without Him, we can to nothing". God is the one who created marriage and He is the one we should go to for answers on how to make it work!

Have a great day! And remember, NEVER GIVE UP as a parent. Persevere!

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

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