Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fun on the 4th - Flying Flapjacks!

What do folks do for fun on the 4th of July? Well, we have some new friends in our neighborhood, Dave and Jennifer Cook, who helped us celebrate the 4th with "flying flapjacks"!! They got the idea from a family camp they went to a few years back. At the camp, each of the campers had to "catch" their breakfast that the flapjacks came off the griddle, flew into the air, and hopefully landed on their plate!

Dave and Jennifer had over about 5 families that morning to share in the fun. We were so glad we were one of them. It was great. See pics below!

Our three kids eagerly anticipating the first of the many flying flapjacks!!

Dave Cook letting one of the first ones "fly" to a hungry kid!

Shawn catching a "flying flapjack"!!

Josh with his flapjacks all ready to eat (red strawberries,blue blueberries, and white whipped topping)

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