Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Fun on the 4th - Kids & Fireworks!

In addition to the "flying flapjacks" (0ur blog post from yesterday 7/8), the kids wanted to have some fun with fireworks as well on the 4th. You can spend a lot on fireworks these days...but we managed to get away with only about $11 worth of supplies...but they gave us a lot of "bang for our buck"!! Enjoy the pics below!

Caleb showing off his "arsenal" of fireworks!

Sarah with her sparklers, bottle rocks, and assorted "other"!!

Josh didn't want to participate at first...but ended up joining in the fun!

Sarah getting ready to launch a bottle rocket in to the night sky!

Josh showing off with a sparkler!

Sarah and her version of "sparkler-mania"!

And, of course, Caleb had his fun as well!

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