Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are you Distracted from your mission?

Distractions are all around us. They are used to try to pull us away from the things we should be focusing on to other things that are less important.

Just read an article this morning ONLINE about distracted drivers. It used to be we were mostly distracted by changing radio stations or putting a new CD or tape in to listen to. But now there are many, many more distractions with cell phones, texting, etc. But as dangerous as those things are, there is one distraction that is more dangerous than those.

His name is SATAN and the bible calls him a liar and the father of all lies. And he is out to distract us from God's mission for our life.

The pastor at the church we attend talked about this a couple of weeks back. What he said really hit me:

"Satan does not have to destroy us to make us ineffective as we follow Christ. He just has to distract us enough to make us ineffective as His followers!"

WOW! Satan is out to destroy us, but he has a much craftier strategy: to distract us with all sorts of things that are urgent but not really important. That way we spend our time and talent and treasure on temporal things instead keeping our focus on the eternal.

Lord, please help us to NOT be distracted by the world, the flesh, and devil. By the power of your Holy Spirit and Your Word, help us to keep our focus on the eternal as we remember that it is "not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit" that the Kingdom is built!!

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