Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fun in the Snow in Central Arkansas!!

Large amounts of snow in Central Arkansas are RARE!! Most of the frozen stuff goes north of us but every once in a while, we get some white stuff that is unexpected. And it happened this week here in the Little Rock Area.

It started Sunday night and continued through most of Monday into Monday night. Reports around the Little Rock area ranged between 3 and 7 inches!! We had about 4-5 at our house!!

The kids, of course (as well as Glen - the big kid), had fun in it. It was PERFECT snow for making snowballs and snowmen!!

And as I write this on Thursday night, the snow is STILL HERE. Most snows are gone the next day but this one has stuck around because of the cool temps. It is so cool to look out and see white! It makes the song lyrics "our sins were as crimson but they will be as white as snow" become so real as we see the white snow cover up all the imperfections!! Thank You, Jesus!!

Enjoy the pics!

The boys in the front yard rolling up their first, large snowball of the day!!

Sarah in the backyard having fun in the cold, white stuff!!

The boys with their first snowman of the day!!

Sarah walking Dixie down the street - heavy snow coming down!

Our neighbors came over and helped the kids make some "life-size" snow men!!

Caleb sitting on top of the snowman that "survived"!!

Josh standing on top of the snowman (he DID NOT break)!!

Caleb being "buried" by Josh in the snow!!

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