Sunday, July 26, 2009

The "Power" of the Spoken Word of God!

As the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ are here in Fort Collins, Colorado, we were treated to a great display of the power of God's Word as it is spoken. Tim McKenzie heads up a ministry called "On Every Word". He gave our staff an outstanding presentation of his called "And God said: The Voice of Creation". It was a 30+ minute multimedia presentation that presented compelling visual images and music combined with the spoken Word of God. I (Glen) cried several times during the presentation as I felt the presence of the Lord and was reminded of the power of the Word of God.

Tim Ministry is based on the passage in Matthew where Jesus says, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but ON EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God". And oddly enough, he is based in Sugar Land, Texas, a suburb of Houston where Shawn and I lived before coming to serve in Little Rock with FamilyLife.

Shawn and I cannot more HIGHLY RECOMMEND you going to and checking out some of Tim's presentations that are online. We are going to order one of his DVDs very soon to have in our home library! Enjoy!!

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