Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Time in Colorado...soon to be over!!

We have really been enjoying our time here at the Campus Crusade U.S. Staff Conference - at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. It is our 5th time to come and it has really been a JOY!!

Campus Crusade added 2 extra days to our time here this year. We were not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing...but we really enjoyed the extra time to relax and have some fun together. Before, the days always seemed very rushed, but the extra two days, with the associate free time, have been great!

The picture above is of Moby Gym --- the place where about 5,000 Campus Crusade staff meet each day (sometimes twice a day) to worship together AND to get some great teaching and training. The picture to the left is of the "lagoon" on the CSU Campus that is very near our dorm. We get to walk by it on our way to some seminars and other things we do in the afternoons. It is beautiful as are the mountains in the background as you look west from the CSU Campus.

Our time here will end tonight (Wednesday) and we will soon thereafter head back to Little Rock (after visiting some old friends in Colorado Springs). We will miss the cool weather and the beautiful landscape, but will enjoy sleeping in our own beds in Arkansas! There really is no place like home!

ONE MORE THING: We were treated to one of the most incredible lightning shows I have ever seen last night. About 1am, the storm rolled through the CSU Campus and it was incredible. The lightning was flashing so often that it looked like flashbulbs going off at the kickoff of the Superbowl! One of the couples we met is from Oklahoma. They told us that the rumble of the thunder was so loud and so frequent, that it sounded like a tornado coming across the plains back where they live. We did not take this picture, but this was something like the light show we experience last night!

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