Saturday, July 18, 2009

God's Provision: What Does "It" Look Like???

Ever wondered what "God's Provision" looks like? Well, for the Israelites in Old Testament times, it was manna that fed them in the desert. For the Solbergs in July 2009, it is the Gulbranson Family pictured to the left and their family minivan (behind them).

Doug and Deb Gulbranson also live in Little Rock and serve at FamilyLife as we do. They have three great kids - Ryan, Parker, and Wren. We have known them for a while and they are a great family!

But in addition to being great folks, this week they were an answer to our prayers. You see, our van's transmission went out last Sunday as we tried to begin our vacation to the Grand Canyon and then go from there to Campus Crusade Staff Training in Fort Collins, Colorado. Our van has been in the shop for some time and repairs where delayed because of parts needed. The repairs on it are not going to be completed until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (that is when we need to BE in Colorado!). We had tried many avenues to find a van to drive to Colorado, but each time we thought we had a way, it did not happen. Until...the Gulbransons called us.

They generously provided their van for us to drive to Colorado for our Staff Training next week (we told you they were great folks!!). In addition, Deb drove two hours last Monday to pick us up in Northwest Arkansas where our van had stopped working.

What can you say when folks are so generous? Thank you does not seem adequate but that is a starting place. THANK YOU, Doug and Deb for your great generosity to us. May the Lord bless you many times for your unselfishness and willingness to help us in our time of need!

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