Thursday, May 6, 2010

Great Devotioal from!!

God's Spirit is Like the Wind

“Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

Many writers have compared God's Spirit to the wind. No one can see the wind; it comes and goes as it pleases. No one can box it in or stop it from blowing, yet we can see the results.

We see the wind's massive strength in roiling tornadoes, hurricanes, and typhoons. But it can also be gentle, like the whisper of a breeze off the ocean. It can bring the smell of soft rain on the leaves or the freshness of spring through an open window. Is this not like the wonderful contrast of our God who can both topple rulers and calm the fears of a little child?

Meteorologists try to predict the wind, yet with only partial success. Weather forecasters are often taken by surprise when a deadly tornado materializes or hurricanes turn at the last moment. In a similar way, God's presence and work cannot be predicted for He does what He wills (of course, He will not contradict His nature).

Yet a wind analogy is inadequate to completely describe the awesome presence of our infinite Creator who lives outside the time-space dimension in which we find ourselves bound. Solomon, the wisest king of Israel, who built the temple of God in Jerusalem, asked, "Will God really live on earth? Why, even the highest heavens cannot contain You." (1 Kings 8:27)

Unlike the wind, God is literally in every place in the entire universe at the same time! Not a single atom in any galaxy is hidden from His sight.

The next time a wind comes up, observe its effects. Toss some grass blades into it, and watch them. The wind may be invisible, but it is real, with real effects. Likewise, we may not be able to see God with our physical eyes, but we can see the effects of His presence. What is one "effect" of God's presence that you have seen?

Because God is ever-present,
He is always with me

from Based on GOD: Discover His Character , by Bill Bright. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Discover God Study Bible (NLT). © 2009 Bright Media Foundation® All rights reserved.

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