Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Epidemic: But God is able to help!!

Shawn and I see it happening more and more. It is an epidemic in our country today AND around the world. Adultery!

And this does not just include "physical involvement" with a person to whom you are not married. It also includes "emotional attachements" that a person has with another person that they should ONLY have with their spouse. When you are getting a "legitiamate need" met in an illegitimate way (outside your marriage), that is wrong!

As many of you know, I (Glen) had an adulterouse affair early in our marriage. But Gpd stepped in and saved our marriage. And He can and will do the same for you (or a friend you know). Remember, with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible!

If you or someone you know are in the midst of an adulterous relationship OR are beginning to have feelings for someone other than your spouse, GET HELP NOW! Don't wait.

Please read one or both of the articles below about adultery. We pray they will give you or a friend you know the help you need to begin to save and restore your marraige. God is able!! And please feel free to contact us as well. We would love to be there to help!

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