Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fun on a Sunday Afternoon!

Do you remember playing the "Game of Life" growing up? I remember playing many times with my family -- spinning the wheel in the middle of the board, driving your little car around, and putting little pink and blue folks in your car when you got married and had kids. Well things have changed a lot since those days.

Sarah and I got to enjoy the "New Game of Life - Twists and Turns" on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It was a lot of fun.

And I really like the changes they have made in how you figure out who "WINS" the game. In the old game I played as a kid, the player who ended the game with the most money won. That is NOT the message we want to convey to our kids.

In the "new game", you accumulate both money and what they call LIFE POINTS. And since life points represent all the wonderful experiences you can have in life, they are actually worth more in the end than money. Now that is a much better message to our kids as we play the game together as a family.

Another great lesson is that it rewards a player for gaining education and degrees and penalizes you for going into debt. More great lessons for both parents and adults! Check it out at the link below:

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday afternoons - that's part of the REAL Game of Life!!

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