Thursday, July 4, 2013

Real Life Story: Couple married 36 years coming to a Weekend to Remember Getaway!

Shawn and I never tire of hearing the stories of marriages transformed and encouraged by our Great God!  He created marriage and He is the One who uses tools like the Weekend to Remember Getaway to mold and shape us in marriage.  Please rejoice with Shawn and I as you read the comment from this couple below. 

Dear Weekend to Remember Ministry Team,

My husband and I just returned from the Family Life Weekend to Remember in Scottsdale, AZ, due to the fact that we were the winners of the grand prize weekend, from a local radio station. 

I cannot begin to tell you what a difference this seminar/conference made in our lives and marriage. I have been wanting to go for years, but knew that my husband would never agree to spending the money. We have been married for 36 years, and as we do have a good marriage, it was not a great marriage. I was having some issues, but I felt like it was my own insecurities causing them. We were not Christians when we first exchanged our vows and until this weekend, I do not believe we were living a true biblical marriage. I really wanted to go and prayed for God to answer this prayer, and HE did! There were so many things He spoke to both of us about and I now truly believe we have a fresh, new start, doing it God's way and we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  

I just have to tell you I have been to many women's conferences over the years and my husband to Promise Keepers, but nothing compared to the presentation of this weekend. You all do this right. Everything from start to finish was planned out beautifully and this weekend truly ministered to hearts and especially ours. I was concerned that because we are older and empty nesters that the materials would apply more to younger married's, but nothing could be further from the truth. The speakers were excellent and they were exactly the people that needed to be at this event.  

So again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us a chance to go and strengthen our marriage and give us a fresh new start. I am 58 years old and feel like a newlywed! May God continue to bless your ministry!  

(couple married 36 yrs)


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