Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Are You Taking Time to Relax and "Enjoy Life"?

Our lab, Dixie Belle, has "mellowed" much since the days she was a puppy.  As you can tell from the picture to the right, she can relax and sleep about anywhere :) 

As I watched her relax that afternoon, the thought came to me:  "Are you relaxing and enjoying life, Glen?"   If each day is really a Gift from God, then how much am I really enjoying the Gift He has given me today?

I must readily admit there have been many days that I have lived when "relaxing and enjoying" was not even on the radar screen - it was just GO, GO, GO!!  Life often can get busy and chaotic - there is always more to do than we can manage in a day.  And that fact will not change.  What must change is ME and my attitude toward the day!

God has created me to enjoy this life.  He grieves when I am just going through the motions because He has designed me to have His Joy and His Peace each day -- even in the midst of my "busy-ness"!

So my challenge to you (and to my myself) is to take time each day to TRULY ENJOY the people and the situations God places us in.  I need to put aside my TO DO LIST frequently in order to have a good conversation with a neighbor or friend.  I need to pull back from checking my email to have a face-to-face conversation with my wife or family.

Let's not miss the GIFT God has given us in TODAY.  It is a treasure worth opening and enjoying!

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