Friday, November 4, 2011

What lane do you drive in? Fun picture to share!

If you are married, then you know that there are certain areas where you and your spouse DO NOT agree. This can be a "heated" thing between husband and wife --- or it can be something that you just laugh about but really isn't that big a deal.

Shawn and I have had some "fun disagreements" over the years about driving in the left lane on the Interstate. She thinks it is fine to drive in the left lane even if you are not passing. At times, she stays there even when someone is passing. This is a serious offense in my book. I was taught you ONLY drive in the left lane for passing. Otherwise you are in the right lane at all times.

Shawn found the picture below on the Internet and sent it to me. Maybe it means she's finally come around to MY WAY!! (or maybe not - we'll see on our next road trip!)

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