Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dad and Caleb Outing: Having fun together!

Caleb biking near the Arkansas River
"Can we go to the BMX track at Burns Park, Dad?"  Those were the words I had heard from Caleb a few times over the last few weeks.  So I knew that he wanted to go - it was just a matter or making the time to go with him.  And that finally happened last Friday - although our time together looked DIFFERENT than either of us would have envisioned!

The good news is that we had Caleb's bike loaded up and he was ready to ride - the bad news was that there was a race about to start at the track - so he could not ride (bummer!!).  But, as the saying goes, "when life gives you lemons - make lemonade".  We decided we would just have to find some other things to do to have fun at Burns Park - and we did!

On some rocks near the River
First we took him down to another area of the park where he could ride his bike around.  Then he rode from there to an area where they have a number of soccer fields.  Finally, we ended up on a trail near the Arkansas River (See pics below) as the sun was setting.  It was a fun day and Caleb got some exercise in riding all those places.

We finished up our time by grabbing a couple of Wendy's Frostys on the way home as a treat.  We thank God for allowing us to have this time together AND for helping us to enjoy "His Plan B" for our time!  His Plan B is ALWAYS better than our Plan A!!

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