Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Great Read: Contentment!

From our pastor, Bill Elliff - sermon series on "Living a Life of Contentment"

Contentment is that heart attitude that joyfully sees whatever God provides as enough. Whatever He provides materially, financially, relationally, circumstantially... is all that we need. It is a belief, at its core, in God's faithfulness. If we are unwilling to believe in HIM we will wallow in discontent – that dissatisfaction that makes us continually search for more 

The bottom-line is always about faith isn't it? Will God come through or should I take matters into my own hands? What He provide or does "the Lord help those who help themselves" (which, by the way, is no where found in the Bible and is actually the exact opposite of Biblical teaching). Can I wait on God regarding a purchase believing that He knows best should I jump into debt to get it now?

All of us have had disappointing experiences in life. Perhaps even times we have thought we stepped out in faith and things didn't turn out as we expected. But such failures are never God's fault. He withholds things for our good and gives for our good. He knows what He is doing and is driven by a love that is so extraordinary that it is hard to believe.

If God is not loving and faithful all at the same time, He's not God and certainly not worth trusting. But there are billions of evidences to the contrary.

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