Monday, November 21, 2011

It finally happened! Josh's first "broken bone"!!

God is so faithful to protect us many times....and our kids! Our son, Josh, has been a "daredevil" since he was little but has never, by the Grace of God, had a broken bone or even been to the ER. Well, that ended at age 15 on Monday Nov 14th. That is the day Josh broke his first bone - his right arm.

He as playing football with some other kids at our homeschool co-op on Mondays. He went to catch himself from falling and broke the end of the thumb side of his right arm. We are very thankful that (1) he broke his right arm and he is left-handed and (2) that Shawn was able to get an appointment with our pediatrician so that we didn't have to wait and wait in the ER.

The pediatrician did an initial x-ray and sent Shawn and Josh to the orthopedic specialist. He had broken the radius of his arm in a "growth plate". So Josh had to have the break surgically fixed on Tuesday morning at a local outpatient orthopedic center. Again, we are thankful to God and to the medical staff for the excellent work. The MD told us to expect everything to heal fully in 6-8 weeks!

Here Josh is sporting his new "right arm friend"!

And here he is "being Josh" and having fun with his cast!!

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