Monday, October 17, 2011

Fun with our Tennessee Family!

Josh, Sarah, Caleb and I (Glen) had the chance to visit our "Tennessee Family" (at least a good part of them) a few days back. Shawn was off at the Annual FamilyLife Women's Retreat all we took the opportunity to visit with my Mom and Dad, my sister and brother and their families in and around Jackson, TN. We had a great time and enjoyed some great food as well! Here are some of the pics to share! Enjoy!

Caleb climbing in Granddaddy's truck to retrieve the keys locked inside!

Our three kids with Grandmother Peggy - getting ready to pray before we eat!

My sister Gretchen with two or her grandkids!

My Dad with one of his great grandkids!

My brother Michael having fun with one of the kids!

My Mom with her great grand, Reuben!

Caleb having fun with several of the kids!

Sarah getting her "baby time" (she LOVES babies!!)

My Mom and Dad and I as we were leaving to head back to Little Rock!

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