And now we are ready for Post 3 of our 4 posts on our trip to Colorado and the Grand this point we have left the Grand Canyon in Arizona and are heading to see some friends in Durango, Colorado (southwestern Colorado area)

There were many great memories from our time in Durango with our friends, Bill and Cathy Dixon, but one of the best were the Durango sunsets. And as great as the picture might look, it doesn't even capture the full color and beauty. Thanks, Lord, for such beautiful sunsets!!
A great memory for Josh and Caleb and I was a flight in the Dixon's plane. This was Caleb's first time EVER in an airplane! Caleb and I sat in the back and enjoyed some great views over the mountains and the town of Durango!
That's right -- your eyes are NOT deceiving you! That is Josh actually flying the plane. Bill let Josh take the controls for a while we were up. I think it gave the three of us a much better appreciation for all that goes into flying an airplane!!
And here's a picture of Bill with Josh and Caleb after we had landed and were helping get the plane ready to be put back in the hangar. It was a great time and a special treat!!
One of the other fun things the kids did a couple of times on our trip was rockclimb. Both in Durango and in Fort Collins they had great climbing walls that the kids enjoyed tremendously! The kids often made the walls look easy they climbed so quickly to the top!
Here's another pic of both Caleb and Sarah climbing different routes on the wall in Durango!
Once we left Durango, we headed to Colorado Springs to see some old friends who used to live in Arkansas - the Youngs. Was great to see them and to see how their kids had grown. Only wish we lived closer so we could see them more often!!

The road we traveled from the Grand Canyon to Durango led us right by the 4 corners area where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah come together. We DID not actually get out and stand on the place....but we got a picture!!

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