Monday, August 29, 2011

Kids just make you laugh!!

I admit it! Sometimes as a parent I get "worn out" with all the challenges of parenting. We seem to have to say the same thing over and over and over.......(you get the picture). But in the midst of my complaining and grumbling at times, God continually reminds me of just how much fun our kids bring into our lives on a DAILY basis!

If you need a good laugh, check out the photos below of our son, Caleb! He is a riot at times with the things he does. May I never grow tired of laughing!!

Caleb and his friend, Ethan, having a "Kodak Moment"!!

This was hilarious. Caleb took some pieces of apple and put cuts in them to make them look like teeth. He is so creative and funny!

And this was Shawn and Caleb and I wearing some crazy hats and laughing together at a get together we had for his new class at our church!

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