A friend of mine in San Antonio sent this cartoon. With all the iPhones and iPods and iPads.....thought this was a good one to share! And a reminder to me and all the Dads out there how important your role is!!
Glen and Shawn met in early 1992 in Houston, Texas and were married later that year. Shawn finished up her Nursing degree and Glen his Physical Therapy degree shortly after they married. But God had greater plans for Glen and Shawn than helping folks have healthier bodies! After nearly divorcing in 1993, God resurrected thier marriage and called them to the mission field for marriage and family here in the United States. They have been serving with FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ, since 2003. God has blessed them with three beautiful children: Joshua - born in 1996, Sarah - born in 1998, and Caleb - born in 2000.
WEEKEND GETAWAY FOR COUPLES: If you and your spouse would like to experience a fun and romantic weekend away, please check out http://www.familylife.com/weekend. And if you have questions or want to register, please contact us and we can help you save 1/2 off the regular registration rate!
Our Precious Three..
Josh, Caleb, and Sarah (L to R)
We hear frequently about the "economic crisis" in our country - and it is real. But there is much more significant crisis going on in the United States and around the world: the crisis in Marriage and Family. Everywhere we look, where we live in Little Rock and where you live, marriage and families are falling apart by the thousands. The statistics on divorce and bad marriages and their effects are staggering.
But in the midst of this crisis, there is hope! God has given us His plan, purpose, and power for marriage. We have dedicated our lives to giving the help and hope that only Jesus Christ and His Word can bring. But we cannot do this alone. We have a team or Ministry Partners who provide the prayer and financial support we need to serve as we do. If God has laid on your heart the desire to partner with us OR you want to find out more, please visit our ministry website at www.thesolbergfamily.org and click on "Join Our Team".
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