Our pastor, Bill Elliff, shared this a while back. As I read over it, I thought it was "good stuff" and wanted to share it with others. Enjoy!!
How do you get a 400-ton piece of metal to fly through the air at 600 miles an hour? That’s easy. Bernoulli’s law.
Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician in the 1700’s who discovered the law that was later applied to aero-dynamics. It is the observation of how movement over an airplane wing creates lift - in this case, over the wing of a 747. There is one law that we all know applies to a 40-ton piece of metal: the law of gravity. What goes up, must come down. But there is a greater law that takes over the law of gravity, which Bernoulli describes.
How do you get a sinful, separated, messed up human being clean, forgiven, and right with God? How do you overcome the law of our sinfulness and depravity? It cost a great deal (the death of God’s Son in our place) but it put in motion a greater law. Paul says the “law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.” When this law becomes active in our lives as followers of Christ, we soar.
You can sit on the runway and die if you want to – you have that choice. Or, you can come to Jesus Christ and let Him lift and liberate you. This is “Christ’s law”….and it works every time!
By Pastor Bill Elliff, The Summit Church, North Little Rock, AR, Oct. 2010
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